Blake and Mouton Management Grid
Robert Blake - docteur en psychologie et en droit - et Jane Mouton - également docteure en psychologie tous deux théoriciens en management ont travaillé ensemble dans les années 60-70 à luniversité du Texas et ont formalisé the managerial grid. Its the best possible path to success. Robert Blake Jane Mouton Managerial Grid Management Pocketbooks Good Leadership Skills Management Business Leadership Identify your leadership style. . The Grids original developers are management theoreticians Robert R. Leadership Management and Personal Development Training The 14 Principles of Management were first introduced in 1916 by Henry Fayol. ELearning Leadership and Management. F As the leader of a work group you have confidence in your group members ability to attain high standards and you emphasize excellence. Blake and Jane S. Rensis Likert and his associates studied the patterns and styles of managers for three decades at the Uni